Your GTM is broken. How to Fix it with SC Moatti, GP of Mighty Capital


In this episode of the SaaS Revolution Show our host Alex Theuma is joined by SC Moatti, Managing Partner at Mighty Capital and SaaStock USA 2024 speaker extraordinaire, as she shares how to fix a broken GTM.


“When you talk to product folks, what they love is they love good products. I mean, that’s their nature. It’s that idea that the best product wins is actually becoming a reality. Because when you sell to product people, they want to make sure you have a good product that’s going to nicely integrate in their stack and we can talk about what makes a good product, but that’s what wins right now.


SC shares:

  • How Mighty Capital is disrupting the dinosaurs
  • Why product managers build category kings
  • David and Goliath: how a community introduction led to a 30% accelerated sales cycle and millions of dollars in revenue
  • What you can do to rebuild your funnel
  • Shrinking budgets left right and centre- what founders can do to sell
  • Why product is poised to become the most important function in business

and more!


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