Transaction Per Second (TPS)


In the blockchain world, transactions per second (TPS) metrics measure the number of transactions a blockchain can process in a second.

There are 3 most common types of TPS:

  1. Real-time TPS
  2. Max Recorded TPS
  3. Max Theoretical TPS

Real-time TPS

Real-time TPS shows how many transactions per second the blockchain is processing. It’s probably the most important of all three metrics because it is based on real-time blockchain data and can’t be inflated. It shows the adoption level of the blockchain and its actual throughput.

Max Recorded TPS

Max recorded TPS indicates the peak TPS blockchain has ever reached. It shows how many transactions a blockchain can process during times of high workload. Typically, it happens when the market is volatile, and a lot of people want to transact at the same time.

Max Theoretical TPS

Max theoretical TPS shows how many transactions per second the blockchain is theoretically capable of handling. To calculate this metric, divide the block size measured in gas or bytes by the size of the smallest transaction possible. In most blockchains, the least possible transaction is a transfer of a native token.

For example, the Ethereum block size is 15 million gas, the block time is 15 seconds, and the transfer of Ether takes 21,000 of gas. It means each block can contain 15 million / 21,000 = 714 transactions. So, the maximum theoretical TPS is 714 transactions / 15s = 47.7 transactions per second. Of course, the reality is often different due to the different block times, block sizes, and other real-world nuances.

You can also check them on our dashboard

Blockchain TPS Max TPS
Hedera 2357.20 2626.18
Solana 297.42 804.58
BNB Chain 48.36 318.51
Polygon 28.88 63.36
Arbitrum 14.24 174.52
Ethereum 13.15 57.91
Bitcoin 7.35 9.87
Algorand 6.99 221.01
Optimism 4.74 20.66
Celo 3.84 4.64
Base 3.67 46.93
Telos 2.69 5.98
Fantom 2.53 24.35
Avalanche 2.48 21.20
Gnosis Chain 1.66 3.26
Cronos 0.81 1.85
Polkadot Relay Chain 0.48 27.84

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