Creating a Function App in Azure to provide a Hello message with your name.


The Azure Functions service enables you to host a single method or function that runs in response to an event such as a queued message, HTTP request, or timer event.
You can use any of several programming languages, such as Python, Java, JavaScript, C#, and PowerShell, to create functions.
Like many other services, the Azure Functions service scales automatically, enabling your function to scale to meet changes in demand without any interaction or configuration by your developers. Perhaps best of all, you pay only for the time and resources needed while a function is running.
Generally, an Azure function is stateless, meaning it does not store its state from execution to execution. Instead, it executes the same every time it responds to an event.
Let me quickly walkthrough on how to create a function App in Azure to provide a Hello message with your name.
Search for function App on Azure portal and click on create

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Select your subscription, and fill in the required information as shown in the image below and click on create and review

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After that, a page will displace where you click on create as shown in the image below

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Next is to click on Go to resource

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After that, it will take you to this page where you will click on function at left hand side

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After function then click on Create
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This will lead you to a page where you have HTTP trigger, New function and Authorization level. Fill in the “New Function” and the click on create

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Then you have this

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Next is to click on get function url and copy

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Then open browser and paste the “function url” you copied and add &name=then put your name, carefully check the image below to understand this part.

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For you to know what you will add join to the copied “Function URL” click on code and check. Carefully look at the point circled in the image below

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