I asked ChatGPT to generate a song about centering a element

[Verse 1] I’m a Frontend dev, with my code so tight
I’m gonna center this div and make it look just right
No matter the browser, no matter the view
I’ll make sure it’s centered for both me and you

[Chorus] Centering divs, it’s my bread and butter
Centering divs, making everything smoother
With Margin auto and Text align in sight
I’ll keep on coding until the design is just right

[Verse 2] I’m a Frontend dev, with skills that run deep
I’ll squash those bugs and make the layout so neat
With my CSS skills, I’m not afraid to take a chance
And keep coding until the site is a visual dance

[Chorus] Centering divs, it’s my daily routine
Centering divs, making the website gleam
With Flexbox, Margin auto and Text align
I’ll keep on coding until the design is divine

[Bridge] Whether it’s a website, an app, or a game
I’ll make sure it looks good and always the same
Centered, aligned, and with style in tow
My CSS skills will make it shine and glow

[Chorus] Centering divs, it’s the name of the game
Centering divs, always making it look the same
With Flexbox, Margin auto, and Text align
I’ll code until the design is simply divine.

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