Hacktoberfest 2022: Preptember!


Hacktoberfest 2022 is almost upon us!

A woman saying it's go time to another woman

Whether you are new to Hacktoberfest or a seasoned veteran, welcome!

If you’re new to Hacktoberfest or open source, don’t fret! The community is here to support you! Worried about that first pull request (PR)? I was, too, when I first started contributing to open source. Turns out my first PR wasn’t that great, but that’s OK!

Whether you’re new or not, I have you covered. I gave a talk in 2020 for Digital Ocean that is for maintainers and contributors, including first-time contributors.

I talk about conventional comments in that talk. If you’re curious, I also gave a lightning talk about them.

Lightning Talks 2020 – Virtual Coffee Livestream – YouTube

Virtual Coffee started as a once a week zoom chat in April 2020, and has grown into a community of devs at all stages of the journey, meeting, mentoring, hos…


My Virtual Coffee community also did a great Preptember stream that you should check out!

Remember to be kind to maintainers and fellow contributors. Now go have fun and contribute!

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

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