Appwrite Loves Open Source: Why I Chose to Sponsor Front-End Foxes


Open source is at the ❤️ of everything we do at Appwrite, and we want to enable and foster the open-source community that helped us grow to nearly 25,000 stars on GitHub. Open source projects, though, require a great deal of effort to maintain and grow. We use open-source tools every day to build Appwrite, and we want to help our community. To give back, each Appwrite engineer gets to pick an open-source project for Appwrite to sponsor for one year.

I chose to sponsor Front-End Foxes.

a thank you tweet by frontend foxes

First off, what are the Front-End Foxes?

They are an open source organization within the Vuejs community that is built for women and led by women. It’s always free of charge and they help you grow your front-end development skills either in person or by studying in their self-driven classroom setting.

Their open source repos range from their landing page to their open source school curriculum. You can find their repo here

What makes Front-End Foxes stand out?

One of the most memorable conferences I’ve attended, where I shared my experience here, was my very first Vuejs conference in Florida. After getting to know the most vibrant and welcoming open source community, of all communities I’ve been part of and trust me, I have been part of many that made me want to participate more with the Vue community.

This is where I discovered a conference called, the largest multi-framework front-end conference in the US! This is where I signed up for Vuejs workshops that were led by Front-end Foxes.

I felt very welcomed and learned a lot in such a short period of time. They were inspiring, intelligent, and educational, and I felt they made an impact on my life.

If they inspired and made an impact on my life, then I know they do the same for many other women in the Vuejs community.

Learn more about Front-End Foxes

More about Appwrite

We recently became the main sponsor for the entire Vuejs organization and love supporting the community!

screenshot of vuejsorg homepage

Appwrite is an open-source Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS), packaged as a set of Docker micro-services, to give developers of any background the tools necessary to build modern apps quickly and securely.

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Check out Appwrite as the backend for your next web, Flutter, or server-side application. Here are some handy links for more information:

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