Google Cloud & Kotlin GDE Kevin Davin helps others learn in the face of challenges

Kevin Davin speaking at the SnowCamp Conference in 2019

Kevin Davin has always had a passion for learning and helping others learn, no matter their background or unique challenges they may face. He explains, “I want to learn something new every day, I want to help others learn, and I’m addicted to learning.” This mantra is evident in everything he does from giving talks at numerous conferences to helping people from underrepresented groups overcome imposter syndrome and even helping them become GDEs. In addition to learning, Kevin is also passionate about diversity and inclusion efforts, partly inspired by navigating the world with partial blindness.

Kevin has been a professional programmer for 10 years now and has been in the field of Computer Science for about 20 years. Through the years, he has emphasized the importance of learning how and where to learn. For example, while he learned a lot while he was studying at a university, he was able to learn just as much through his colleagues. In fact, it was through his colleagues that he picked up lessons in teamwork and the ability to learn from people with different points of view and experience. Since he was able to learn so much from those around him, Kevin also wanted to pay it forward and started volunteering at a school for people with disabilities. Guided by the Departmental Centers for People with Disabilities, the aim of the program is to teach coding languages and reintegrate students into a technical profession. During his time at this center, Kevin helped students practice what they learned and ultimately successfully transition into a new career.

During these experiences, Kevin was always involved in the developer community through open-source projects. It was through these projects that he learned about the GDE program and was connected to Google Developer advocates. Kevin was drawn to the GDE program because he wanted to share his knowledge with others and have direct access to Google in order to become an advocate on behalf of developers. In 2016, he discovered Kubernetes and helped his company at the time move to Google Cloud. He always felt like this model was the right solution and invested a lot of time to learn it and practice it. “Google Cloud is made for developers. It’s like a Lego set because you can take the parts you want and put it together,” he remarked.

The GDE program has given him access to the things he values most: being a part of a developer community, being an advocate for developers, helping people from all backgrounds feel included, and above all, an opportunity to learn something new every day. Kevin’s parting advice for hopeful GDEs is: “Even if you can’t reach the goal of being a GDE now, you can always get accepted in the future. Don’t be afraid to fail because without failure, you won’t learn anything.” With his involvement in the program, Kevin hopes to continue connecting with the developer community and learning while supporting diversity efforts.

Learn more about Kevin on Twitter & LinkedIn.

The Google Developer Experts (GDE) program is a global network of highly experienced technology experts, influencers, and thought leaders who actively support developers, companies, and tech communities by speaking at events and publishing content.

Google Cloud & Kotlin GDE Kevin Davin helps others learn in the face of challenges was originally published in Google Developers Experts on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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