Had an Interview for React.js frontend developer for one of the MNC company. The question they asked was to build a Duplicate Hashtag remover
Question Statement:
There has to be an textarea in which user can input as many hashtags as he wants, the tags will be separated by a space and starts with #
Now the task is to find the duplicate hashtags entered by user and and show the listing below the textarea input. In the listing there has to be a X
delete button by clicking on it it will remove the duplicate from the textarea as well as from the listing of duplicates.
Sample Input:
#kashmir #kashmirvalley #srinagar #dallake #reels #trendingreels #reelitfeelit #viral #viralvideos #viralvideos #viralreels #feelkaroreelkaro #mountains #love #couplegoals #bucketlist #moretocome #2022 #srinagar #dallake #reels #trendingreels #srinagar #dallake #reels #trendingreels #srinagar #dallake #reels #trendingreels #love #bucketlist
Sample Output:
#kashmir #kashmirvalley #srinagar #dallake #reels #trendingreels #reelitfeelit #viral #viralvideos #viralreels #feelkaroreelkaro #mountains #love #couplegoals #bucketlist #moretocome #2022 #bucketlistour
Solution CodeSandbox link – Duplicate Hashtags Remover
Time Duration – 1hr.
Interviewer was very nice and was helped when I was stuck at updating the state particularly.
Thank you for reading. Let me know if this is helpful and you can also share your questions in the comment box. (only the live coding or assignment questions.)